Everything you need to know for the 2023 season
Use TeamSnap for the most recent communications and the season calendar.
2023 Upcoming Races:
February 18th: Modesto
March 4th: Exchequer MTB Park
March 26th: Fort Ord
April 16th: Six Sigma
May 7th: Norcal Championships at Six Sigma
Training and Expectations
Must be signed-up in Pitzone before you practice with the team
3 on-bike practices per week, 1 yoga
Tues, Thurs, Saturday OR Sunday
Yoga on Mondays
PE credit, as long as they maintain attendance expectations
Show up to practice, on time and prepared (water, food, tools)
Respect each other and your coaches
6 League Races, 1 NorCal Championship
Training Schedule
Pre-Season December
Saturday & Sunday practices will meet at the Campanile at 9am
Thursday will be on the bike meeting at Strawberry Creek park at 4:15pm
Saturday & Sunday practices will meet at the Campanile at 9am
Tuesdays: Groups 1-3 Off-bike conditioning, Groups 4-6 Short Ride (Check TeamSnap for locations)
Thursdays: Groups 1-3 Short Ride, Groups 4-6 Off-bike conditioning (Check TeamSnap for locations)
On the bike practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays will meet at their respective locations at 4:15
Saturday & Sunday practices will meet at the Campanile at 9am
Yoga on Mondays (Virtual), must RSVP through Team Snap
Equipment Recommendations
Discounts available through Mike's Bikes for all riders and coaches in good standing with the team. For pricing call in or come in.
Bikes to look into:
Specialized Chisel (what our loaner fleet is comprised of)
Great value for a starting/new rider
Specialized Epic (Comes in both full suspension and hardtail)
Very racing oriented, but they now offer a more all-rounder build with the EVO version
Trail riding oriented bike so not the best for the XC riding that the team focuses on, but still a great all-rounder for a rider that is more interested in going downhill rather than racing. Comes in both a 29” and a 27.5” wheeled configuration.
Like the Chisel and Epic it comes in many different builds some offering great value and is more race oriented than other bikes on the list.
Essentially a full suspension version of the Highball
Trail oriented hardtail. Will be a better race bike than most full suspension bikes, but not a racey as the Highball, Epic/Chisel, or Alma
Trail oriented 27.5” wheeled bike. Not the best for climbing and racing, but no slouch under a fit rider.
Trail oriented 29” bike. Like the 5010 it descends better than it climbs, but can still be ridden quickly uphill with a fit rider.
Like the Blur, this is a no compromise XC race full suspension
Orbea’s answer to the Highball and Epic. Great value race oriented hardtail.
Trail oriented 29” wheeled bike. Will not be an effective race bike, but will be a blast to ride outside of racing.
In addition to a bike, you will need a helmet (helmets older than 3 years or that have had an impact need to be replaced), correct-size inner-tube, multi-tool, pump/CO2, lights (for early season practices), gloves, eye-protection etc. If you have any questions about equipment please let me know.
Coach Nick’s Recommendations:
All of these items can be purchased through Mike’s with the team discount.
Nightrider 750 (front)
Blackburn Click USB (rear)
Eye protection:
Below are a few nicer options, but carpenters safety glasses work great in a pinch and can be had for $5 at a hardware store.
Race Information
At the parent meeting we review the following:
All race entry fees are covered by the team dues. The team will be signing up all riders for all of the races
Dates for race weekends can be found on the NorCal website, exact day can be found on the homepage
What to expect (as a rider and parent), what we need parents to do, example race flyer
2023 Race Dates
February 18th: Modesto
March 4th: Exchequer MTB Park
March 26th: Fort Ord
April 16th: Six Sigma
May 7th: Norcal Championships at Six Sigma
Extra Events
Parent Involvement
Sign-up to support the pit on race day, sign- up on the Race Day Job card
Ride with the team - contact bhsmtbleadership@googlegroups.com
Join a committee! Email the team director at bhsmtbleadership@googlegroups.com. We need 3-5 parent volunteers for the following:
Race Day Pit Support
Events (away practice ride coordination, end of year picnic)
Help with getting 501c3 status