Friends of the team!
A movement to make bike riding better for everyone
Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay:
Our valued sponsor and one of the oldest mountain bike advocacy groups in the country, the BTCEB focuses on building trails and communities for shared access to the trails of the East Bay
International Mountain Bicycling Association:
National mountain biking education, trail building, and advocacy organization
The largest sanctioning organization for US cycling competitions
The Largest cycling race/convention happening in the country
Bikes Belong:
National cycling advocacy group sponsored by the cycling industry
Marin County mountain bike advocacy group
Lee McCormack:
Lee is a master mountain biking skill instructor and is the Skills Development Director for NICA
Joe Friel's Blog About Endurance Training:
Friel has written the book multiple times over on how to effectively train and build peak fitness for mountain bikers and other endurance athletes
The Team's funding and support comes entirely from these quality organizations, donations from parents and friends, and annual Team dues. (We are not supported financially by BHS.) Please patronize these businesses (and join BTCEB!) to thank them for supporting the BHS MTB Team.
Support the Team!
The Berkeley High School Mountain Bike Team needs your support to keep doing the great things it does. Help the team by volunteering your time and by donating to the GoFundMe page to help us reach our goal and get #MoreKidsOnBikes!